Regulations and Flags

For the use of the track and other systems by third parties
Anyone entering the racetrack must know and comply with these regulations.
The DISCLAIMER (attachment A) is an integral part of this regulation;

Art. 1: Scope of application

The “Franco di Suni” racetrack in Mores (SS), is owned by the company Pro.Mo.Sa Srl and has the following purposes:
a) manage the racetrack using, increasing and developing the related equipment, as well as all the related and dependent activities and services;
b) organize and promote events or other sports, cultural and tourist activities of all kinds, with particular reference to the motor industry and related activities, both nationally and internationally;
c) organize and manage advertising both for their own interests and on behalf of third parties;
d) this regulation regulates the entry to the racetrack and the use of the facilities that can be granted to third parties based on limits of established periods and times, compliance with the same regulation and the payment of the relative tariffs;
e)the tables of rates, timetables and any other dispositions given by the Autodrome Management, are an integral part of these regulations.

Art. 2: Entrance to the Autodrome

The entrance of people or things to the racetrack must take place at the times established by the Management and can be admitted by observing the following cases:
a) unaccompanied children under the age of 14 (fourteen) are not allowed;
b) by paying the entrance ticket, which must be kept for the entire period of stay, and exhibited at each request, by the staff assigned to carry out this check. c) The entry of the vehicles must take place at the times established by the Management and, will be able to access only and exclusively:
vehicles used for the transport of vehicles to be used in the test / race, accessories and accompanying persons, through the regulations and tariffs inherent in this case;
vehicles expressly authorized by the Management;
own staff / collaborators;
emergency / fire fighting vehicles;
vehicles equipped with badges issued by the Management or by the Organizers of competitions or events;
vehicles carrying paying public;
c)any visitors, on days when there are no events, can access the racetrack at times and by paying tariffs established by the Management.

Art. 3: Behavior inside the racetrack

People entering the racetrack are required to:
a)scrupulously observe these regulations;
b) avoid any behavior that could constitute a danger to one’s own or others’ safety, respecting the flower beds, trees, crops, plants and vehicles;
c) it is also forbidden:
access to the roadway by unauthorized persons;
take a position on the lawn in front of the track and at the escape routes;
introdurre cani e/o altri animali di qualsiasi genere ed entità;
test cars and / or motorbikes at any point of the system except the track;
d) the rules of the Highway Code are deemed to be valid on internal roads and in aprons, therefore a speed of 30 km / h or less is required;
e)scrupulously follow the indications and instructions given by the Management, also by means of its collaborators;
f) compensate any type of damage caused to people at the racetrack or its facilities, which must be reimbursed by the person in charge or by their insurance companies.

Art. 4: Rates

For rates, reference will be made to a separate printout. If the Management must, for reasons of force majeure or for other justified reason, postpone, suspend or interrupt the use of the track, the track will be due for the time actually used by the user, without the right for the latter to any compensation or refusion for any title.
The payment of the fee will be made before the start of the use of the runway and the lifts, except for adjustment at the end of the use itself.

Art. 5: Use of the track

As well as for competitive use, in the event that the rules issued by the respective federations (CSAI Auto – FMI Moto) apply, the racetrack and the racetrack facilities may be granted in use, limited to the periods and times established by the Management, only under the compliance with these regulations and upon payment of the relative tariffs, for one of the following reasons:
a)conducting sporting, cultural or other events with or without competitions;
b)conducting sports, technical or other tests.

Entry on the track or in the pit lane is allowed only and exclusively to:
a)emergency and fire-fighting vehicles;
b)vehicles authorized by the Management or by the organizers of tests, races and / or other events, bearing the marks issued for this purpose;
c)to drivers and mechanics and to those authorized by the Management;
d)The use of the track can be denied by the Management, at its sole discretion and without any obligation to state reasons.

Art. 6: Tests

In relation to the use, referred to in point B) of article 5 above, two different conditions of use of the racetrack are provided:
a) exclusively (with or without additional services) for one or more days, with a limitation of the contemporary number (max 24 Motorcycles as per FMI homologation – max 20 Cars as per CSAI homologation) type and category at the discretion of the Management.
Without prejudice to compliance with the rules set out in this regulation, the conditions and rates will be established on the basis of the nature, duration, importance of the events and on the basis of the services requested.
The use of the runway and other facilities for a period of time longer than that established by the Management entails the payment of an equivalent amount equal to the extension of time.
The use of the track, its infrastructure and any additional services requested, can be obtained by paying to Pro.Mo.Sa. Srl, within the deadline established by it, a deposit with a deposit equal to 50% of the total amount established, and the remaining 50% in balance, the week before the chosen date (s).
Failure to use by the user does not entitle the refund of the deposit.
In case of partial use, by the user, it is up to Pro.Mo.Sa. Srl the amount for the rental and for the services provided, quantified with a minimum percentage equal to 50% of the total cost.
b)without exclusivity, all pilots who request it, with limitation of simultaneous number (max 24 Motorcycles as per FMI homologation – max 20 Cars as per CSAI homologation) type and category, at the discretion of the Management.
The use of the track depends in any case on the advance payment of the rental, according to the tariff issued by the race track management.
It should be noted that in the event of a fall, off-road, mechanical and technical problems to vehicles and motorcycles, or due to failure or partial use of the track due to adverse weather conditions, or for other reasons of force majeure, not attributable to the racetrack, the user will not be entitled to any type of compensation.
For reasons relating to facts attributable to the racetrack, the user will only be due the amount corresponding to the actual duration of use and any costs incurred by the racetrack itself.

Art. 7: Conduct of free practice

The free practice will take place on the opening days when the racetrack is booked by third parties, or on days established by the Management.
The pilots and their companions are required to observe, in addition to the previous provisions, also the following:
a) the vehicles admitted inside the track must circulate counterclockwise, it is absolutely forbidden to reverse the direction of travel or circulate in reverse;
b)betting, speed or skill competitions are prohibited;
c) for cars and racing motorbikes, the provisions of the current sports regulations (IMF – CSAI) will be applied;
c) for cars and racing motorbikes, the provisions of the current sports regulations (IMF – CSAI) will be applied;
e) the track manager may, at his unquestionable judgment, refuse to enter the track or call any driver back on the way back to the pits who, with his / her own guide, may create disturbance or danger for himself and for the other users of the track;
f)the company does not guarantee if animals or people cross the track, as it is not completely fenced.
In addition, the maintenance of the track can be temporarily lacking, for this reason, not perfectly connected docks or road pavement not in perfect condition should not be avoided.
As a consequence of this, it is the obligation of each user to make sure personally of the track conditions;
g)the company does not guarantee, unless expressly and previously requested, the presence on the occasion of test days or shifts, of the services concerning medical assistance, fire prevention, signaling by means of flags and the presence of personnel in charge ( route commissioners);
h) if there is a traditional Ambulance and / or Resuscitation Center and for whatever reason you wish to leave for a transport, the activity will be interrupted on the track.

Art. 8: Obligations of pilots

Pilots are required to:
a) know and comply with these regulations;
b)fully sign, before entering the track, the disclaimer from the company Pro.Mo.Sa. Srl, referred to in the annex to this regulation;
c)if driving motorcycles, wear a fully fastened full-face protective helmet, a single or two-piece leather suit (as long as the jacket and trousers are joined by an internal zip), back protector, boots and gloves, all racing type;
d) if driving road vehicles, fasten the seat belts provided in the car and wear the carefully fastened safety helmet;
e)if driving competition cars, wear undergarments, socks, overalls, shoes, gloves, balaclava made of approved fireproof material, carefully fastened safety helmet, hans collar and seat belts;
f) each driver is required to verify that the vehicle he intends to use has the characteristics to carry out this test, assuming any responsibility in this regard for any accidents and consequent damages that could derive to his own person, to third parties and to things belonging to third parties, as well as to the structures of the racetrack, freeing the company Pro.Mo.Sa Srl and all its staff from material and moral charges;
g) scrupulously follow the instructions of the service staff;
h) avoid any behavior suitable to constitute a danger for one’s own or others’ safety;
In particular, and exclusively as an example, while driving it is absolutely forbidden:
• shut off the gas suddenly especially if followed by other drivers or pilots;
• brake suddenly;
• zigzagging, wheeling or stopping suddenly;
• make changes of direction or sudden trajectories;
• smoke or use cell phones;
• annoy or obstruct in any way the other pilots or their companions;
• eat meals or drinks;
i)it is strictly forbidden to walk on the track or in the immediate vicinity of the track or to stop there, except in the event of a breakdown;
j)it is absolutely forbidden to carry out supplies or repairs inside the runway;
k)drivers are required to return to the pits at reduced speed, signaling the following drivers by raising their left arm or leg;
l) in the event of leaving the track or stopping in the pits, before returning to the track, the driver must give priority to all the vehicles that arrive;
m)any overtaking can only be carried out where the conditions allow the maneuver to be carried out in absolute safety;
n)the outdated driver is required to facilitate the faster driver’s maneuver;
o) evitare di fermarsi nel caso si sia visto un incedente, anche se è un amico, spetterà al personale competente dell’autodromo o ai mezzi di soccorso, intervenire;

Art. 9: Obligations of accompanying persons

Persons accompanying the cars or motorcycles of the drivers admitted to the track must:
a)remain in the space assigned by the Management within the pit lane;
b) avoid any behavior suitable to constitute a danger for one’s own or others’ safety;
In particular, and exclusively by way of example, it is absolutely forbidden:
• cross the roadway;
• hinder or annoy in any way the other pilots or their companions;
• carry out maintenance of any kind, outside the box area used for this;
• smoke or use open flames in the pits near vehicles or fuel depots;
• place bets;
• go to the track or close to it, in the gravel escape areas, in the grassy areas and / or behind the guard rails, outside the pits, unless expressly authorized by the Management at its sole discretion.

Art. 10: Vehicle breakdowns

In the event of technical problems with the vehicle or motorcycle, the driver must approach the edge of the track as much as possible, if possible move to the grassy section by approaching the edge closest to him without ever, for any reason, crossing the track itself.
If it is impossible to remove the vehicle immediately, the driver must abandon it and reach the edge of the track closest to him, standing behind the guard rail waiting for staff.
When leaving the vehicle, the driver must ensure that no other vehicles arrive and switch off the engine. In any case, it is absolutely forbidden for anyone:
a) push the vehicle before all the other vehicles on the track have stopped;
b) attempt, in the event of a fall, to put the motorcycle back on its feet before all the motorcycles on the track have stopped or the riders have been warned of the existing danger;
c) cross the road before all the other vehicles on the track have stopped.

Art. 11: Reports

Should the Management show the red flag at one or more points of the track (stop signal), the drivers circulating on the track will have the obligation to immediately reduce the speed of their vehicles to a minimum and to immediately reach the pit lane.
If the Management shows the yellow flag (warning sign) at one or more points of the track, the drivers circulating on the track will be obliged to reduce the speed of their vehicles to a minimum and not to overtake in the section of the track affected by that warning sign.
Should the management show the checkered flag, the drivers circulating on the track will have the obligation to reduce the speed to a minimum and to reach the pit lane for the end of the test session and / or day of tests.

Art. 12: Final provisions

In order to access the test track, all drivers must be in possession of the specific pass or badge issued by the management.
Pro.Mo.Sa Srl reserves the right to update or supplement these Regulations without prior notice, having the simple posting of the value of immediate validity of the changes and / or additions.
Violation, even in part, of the foregoing may result in offenders being immediately removed from the racetrack without prejudice to the possibility by Pro.Mo.Sa Srl of any legal action against them.
These regulations, updated with each subsequent modification or integration, will be posted inside the racetrack, with the right for anyone to view or request a copy.


If it is the first time that you turn on the track and / or circuit we suggest you read the meaning of the most important signs both for yours and others’ safety.

Fixed: warns a pilot who followed
very closely from another;
Agitated: warns one pilot that another
look for or is going to overtake him
facilitate overtaking.

Obligation to stop in the pits. Dub

Accompanied by the race number
indicates the last warning to the pilot
for unsportsmanlike conduct,
before the display of the Black flag.

Mechanical problems. Obligation to stop in the pits.

Segnala la presenza di un mezzo di servizio
in pista (ambulanza, antincendio, ecc…).

Slippery road surface for oil or other reasonstd,
lb (gravel, earth, debris etc …).

Fixed indicates: danger slow down
overtaking prohibition; td,
Agitata indicates: serious danger,
slow down if ready to stop
– no overtaking.

Obligation to stop in the pits.
Disciplinary measure.

End of the previously reported danger
free track.

Path closing signal:
end the tour and return to the garage.

Stop signal at the end of the test session
and / or the race: finish the lap and return to the garage.

The direction